Initial Consultation - 75mins
Subsequent treatments - 60mins
A relaxing full foot reflexology treatment - £50
A extremely relaxing shorter facial reflexology treatment followed by a full foot reflexology treatment. - £65 - 90mins
Treatment - 90 minutes
A top to toe treatment consisting of facial, hand and foot reflexology to aid the symptoms of the peri-menopause and menopause. It is recommended that to obtain the optimum benefit from the treatments a course of regular sessions is recommended, as the treatments begin to have a positive benefit the frequency can start to be reduced. - £65
Initial Consultation - 75mins
Subsequent treatments - 60mins
Reflexology for any stage of pregnancy, which may help to ease many of the minor ailments associated with pregnancy and will certainly help you to relax and reboot prior to baby arriving - £55
Learn the skills of reflexology which you can then use on your own baby and children for years to come. The areas covered are teething, calming, sleep, digestive system, which can help with colic or constipation. This is better taught in your own home either on a 1:1 or as a small group of friends. There may be an extra cost for travel outside of a 10 mile radius of my own home.
£75 - 1.5 – 2 hours - all instructions and charts included for your to keep.
A most relaxing treatment focusing on the reflexology points on your face to help stimulate the body’s healing process. - £55 - 60 mins
All the benefits of facial reflexology but with additional lifting facial massage and cupping to help increase firmness and reduce fine lines. - £65 - 75mins
A saving of £80. To see the most beneficial effects of Zone Face Lift a 12 weeks course is recommended – weekly treatments for 12 weeks and then once a month maintenance. - £700